June 27, 2017
2 min read time

Custom Varnish configuration with Varnish Professional Services

Many companies have quite unique, specific requirements for ensuring that different kinds of content is made available and accessible only to specific users. It stands to reason that there are different kinds of content for different users: employees, contractors, customers/users, vendors. There can be some complexity to ensuring that content access is managed appropriately via appropriate authentication and authorisation processes. This complexity increases when one large company merges with another.

Implementing access control for merging companies

When two large companies were merging, the two wanted to make sure that the merger would work seamlessly on a technical level. At the heart of this effort was the need to make content from both companies cacheable, readily and speedily available while adding a layer of granular access control to the content. In one of the two companies, there had been a few high-profile downtime outages, and things started running slowly. Improvements needed to be made to uptime and performance issues.

With Varnish Professional Services, the company was able to: 

  • Add a security/access control layer that involved caching logged-in/access-controlled content
  • Deliver advanced configuration (VCL) and enhancements to improve performance
  • Work as part of the project almost as though Varnish engineers were employees. Varnish Software's team is able to work independently with specifications but can also join the internal team in a hands-on, consultative role as required

For this project, Varnish Professional Services offered in-depth, expert consultation with a near full-time resource dedicated to the project as needed.