
Varnish Software at Angacom 2023

Find us in Hall 7, Booth C41

Angacom 2023 - Planning Deck

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Learn more about how Varnish helps you deliver more content, with less

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From CDN to Edge Content Delivery:

Quantifying the Big Opportunity

Explore how content delivery is changing away from traditional CDN models, supporting more compute-intensive and cloud-like workloads to enable new use cases.

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Breaking the 1 Tbps Barrier Report Title Page - Intel

Breaking the 1 Tbps Barrier: High Performance, High Efficiency Edge Cache Nodes

Varnish Software®, in collaboration with Intel and Supermicro, sets new records in video streaming with 4th Gen Intel Xeon processor achieving 1.3 Tbps per server throughput at 1.17 Gbps per Watt.

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How to Build Your Own CDN with Varnish: On-demand Demo

We build an enterprise CDN from an intuitive UI, show you how to deploy services rapidly, deliver excellent digital experiences and maintain uptime - even when public CDNs go down.

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Real Customer Story: Tele2

Tele2 used Varnish Enterprise as backend to power flexible, scalable video streaming using their own Varnish-based CDN

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The Varnish Book: Varnish 6 by Example

The essential guide to all things Varnish 6, with tutorials for features and modules across Varnish Cache and Varnish Enterprise. 

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