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performance testing edge computing

TinyKVM: The Fastest Sandbox

An introduction to a KVM-based single-process sandbox Hey All. In between working on my PhD, libriscv and an untitled...

TinyKVM: The Fastest Sandbox

An introduction to a KVM-based single-process sandbox Hey All. In between working on my PhD, libriscv and an untitled...

Tech Preview: varnish-otel

Last year, I wrote about the need for observability, touched on how precise the varnish reports can be, how it’s...

Unlocking Varnish’s Potential: Using Synthbackend for Live Video Streaming and Ephemeral Object Storage

One of Varnish's key strengths is its ability to quickly look up an object by hash in memory or on disk and return it...

Caching “Uncacheable” Artifactory Resources to Boost Cache Efficiency

Varnish is designed to optimize performance by enabling opportunities for efficiency improvements. In previous...

Why Your DevOps Pipeline is Slower Than You Think, And How to Fix It

You’ve optimized your code. You’ve automated your tests. You’re using the latest CI/CD tools. So why are your builds...

Boost Object Storage Performance with Conditional Requests

HTTP has been around a long time. Like, it's now at the age where it's probably considering buying a red convertible....