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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

DrupalCon Singapore 2024 Recap

2024 is done and dusted and while 2025 will be a busy and exciting year, I’d like to take the time to look back at...

Analyzing varnishlog output with Ease: Introducing varnishlog-parser

Varnishlog is a powerful tool that allows you to perform an in-depth analysis of the requests that flow through the...

The Importance (and ease) of Sharding Your Cache

Recently, I’ve been talking about object storage and one topic we absolutely need to discuss is sharding because it’s a...

Storj and Varnish Test Results: Better Storage, Better Delivery

With another CDN announcing they are leaving the industry this quarter, the search for an affordable, performant, and...

S3 Shield: Fronting Storj with Varnish on DigitalOcean

A few weeks ago, we talked about making your object storage faster and reducing costs, staying fairly high-level. We...

Varnish Enterprise 6.0.13r8: Powerful New Features, Major Performance Gains, Slashed Cloud Resource Use and Costs

Our latest release, Varnish Enterprise 6.0.13r8, introduces new features and optimizations that make a real difference...

The Growing Challenges and Opportunities in Object Storage: Survey Insights

As businesses shift to cloud-based infrastructure, managing massive amounts of unstructured data has made object...

4 Varnish Enterprise Features That Will Improve the Caching of Your Magento Store

Magento is a well-known open source e-commerce platform that has its roots in open source, just like us. And just like...

S3 Object Delivery with Varnish Software, Equinix, and VAST Data

There are more options than the Cloud Content delivery is expensive, and with every business in the industry looking to...

Handling the X-Forwarded-For Header

When you send an HTTP request to a server, it’s unlikely that you are talking to it directly. Rather, you are sending...

Varnish and Observability (part 3: More metrics, more logs)

Hello there! This article is the third part of a series, you may want to start at the beginning (The Basics), or at...

Varnish and Observability (Part 2: Grafana and Friends)

In our previous post, Varnish and Observability (Part 1: The Basics), we explored the Varnish ecosystem of core tools...

Video Prefetching with Varnish Software

Speed is one of the most crucial aspects of any online experience. And today, speed isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a...

Device Detection and Varnish: 3 Approaches

Do you wish you knew what device or browser your clients are using? Do you need to take on-the-fly decisions based on...

Open-Source Sneak Peek: Backend Request Queueing

Life as a reverse-proxy can be tough, you know? On one side, you have users in a hurry coming to you to get their...

Varnish and Microservices

Microservices are great: they isolate concerns, provide modular and reusable components and forces us, developers, to...

The Secret to Reducing Cloud Storage Fees While Improving Performance

Amazon S3 was one of the original web services. Launched in 2006, the service delivered on its promise of being a...

Varnish and Observability (Part 1: The Basics)

Is Varnish fast? Of course it is! I know that, you know that, but I want my friends, and my friends’ friends to also...

Keep your stack up-to-date (we can help!)

Let’s open with an extremely controversial statement: you should run up-to-date software*. I think everybody here...

Navigating Through the Transition: What to Do When Your Varnish Expert Moves On

Varnish Cache is deployed behind millions of websites worldwide. It’s a useful, powerful tool for site reliability...

Multi-Tier Setups and Technology Showing Its Age

This week, I must say, I’m a bit grumpy. I’ve once again run into a bad architecture pattern that has bitten our users...

The annoying (but sane) impossibility of transparent caching

Have a seat, we need to have a serious discussion. Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble, but we’ve got to talk. Well,...

Case Study: Powering Performance in the Financial Sector

In this blog, we delve into how a leading online bank significantly enhanced its web performance and security using...

Here's your "Noble" prize: New packages

Today, I want to celebrate the new Ubuntu release: Noble Numbat. It came out a few days ago and as usual it comes with...

Varnish and JSON Logging

I usually have a way with long-winded introductions, but not today. Today, I’m just too excited to share the news to...

Video caching is easy with Varnish

A few days ago we looked at how Varnish is great at video streaming, and we touched on the high-level concepts that...

Low-latency streaming with Varnish

Over the last decade, video streaming has been firmly migrating to an Over-The-Top (OTT) model, using video streaming...

Online Banking at Light Speed: How Varnish Enterprise Transformed a Global Giant

TL;DR: By redesigning aging infrastructure with Varnish Enterprise for better traffic management and speed, a global...

Varnish Cache Just Got a New Image

A new Docker image was expected since Varnish Cache 7.5 just got released a few days ago. But this time, the new image...

Varnish Cache 7.5 Is Now Available

March 15th just passed, which means we can expect a new release of Varnish Cache. As a quick reminder: every year on...

Optimize Artifact Caching, Minimize Developer Wait Time with Varnish Massive Storage Engine

Intuition tells us that it is impossible to lower costs without decreasing web performance, or increase web performance...

Delivering Powerful Web Functionality at the Edge

In this blog post, we’ll explore the evolving landscape of content delivery. We'll delve into the shift to edge...

How The Hindu Newspaper Revolutionized Their Online News Delivery with Varnish Enterprise

Digital agility defines success. The Hindu, a highly popular English-language daily newspaper in India, provides a...

Varnish Controller 6.0 Makes Varnish Easier Than Ever

Varnish Controller 6.0 is here! This represents a milestone for Varnish Software and the evolution of Controller, our...

Optimizing Streaming Services with Varnish: A Case Study of APA-IT's Success

APA-IT, Austria's premier media and broadcasting service provider, excels in offering IT services to the Austrian news...

Announcing the Official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart

We’re happy to announce the availability of the official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart. Helm is a package manager and...

Top 10 Varnish Blog Posts of 2023: A Year in Review

Welcome to Varnish Software's roundup of this year’s most popular blog posts! Whether you're new to Varnish or a...

PrettyLittleThing Increases Server Efficiency by 5 Times with Varnish Enterprise

In the dynamic world of fast fashion, delivering the latest trends to customers worldwide requires a seamless online...

Fixing Mixed Content and ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS errors in WordPress When using Varnish

WordPressis one of the most popular content management systems in the world. It originally started as blogging...

Top Ten Developer Portal Articles of 2023

The Varnish Developer Portal is a treasure trove of resources designed to empower developers with the knowledge needed...

Mauve Mailorder's Need for Speed: A Success Story of Efficiency and Control with Varnish Enterprise

Mauve Mailorder Software(Mauve) stands out as a trailblazer in digitizing pharmacies and advancing the online pharmacy...

How to Speed up Liferay Web Portals with Varnish Enterprise

Many of us interact with web portals on a near-daily basis. These platforms serve as centralized hubs for accessing,...

What Private Content Delivery Is and Why it Matters

Almost all organizations rely on some form of content delivery. From websites to media to software. The transfer of...

Compare Varnish Enterprise and Varnish Cache

This article is intended as a reference guide for users looking for a side-by-side comparison of the features found in...

Driving Productivity and Efficiencies with Seamless Digital Delivery

Digital processes and data transfer are the backbone of day-to-day operations for enterprises everywhere. With digital...

All About On-premise Edge Caching

In the realm of content delivery, the need for speed and efficiency is undeniable. Users expect swift webpage loads,...

Unlock the Secrets of Varnish with Stack Overflow Insights: A Deep Dive with the Experts

In the dynamic world of technology, questions arise and solutions are sought. Stack Overflow stands as a beacon,...

Unlock the Power of Varnishlog: A Comprehensive Tutorial to Gain Actionable Insights from Varnish

Varnish sits in front of the web or application server and caches its output. This means that the logs of the web...

How Telcos and Broadband Service Providers Can Increase Content Delivery Control

Is the era of "cheap, all-you-can-watch content” (for consumers) ending? This is the contention of a recent Guardian...

How the Edge Can Unlock Cost Savings

“From an infrastructure provisioning point of view, if you can deliver the same or better demand with less...

Cache Invalidation in Varnish

When talking about caching, nearly all the attention goes to ensuring that content is properly stored in the cache....

The Edge and Varnish: FAQ

In our recent webinar with STL, From CDN to Edge Content Delivery: Quantifying the Big Opportunity, we received a lot...

Speed Up Your Online Store: 6 Techniques For Efficient Caching

For e-commerce and online retail, revenue and web performance are inextricably linked. Delays, latency and downtime...

Reducing Latency in Microservices

A microservice is an autonomous subset of a software system, often responsible for managing some of the data within...

Enable S3 Multi-Value Answer Routing in Varnish

Varnish Enterprise version 6.0.11r2 contains a new Varnish Module (VMOD). S3 VMOD provides functionality for using...

The Big Opportunity in Edge Computing

In a collaboration with STL Partners, Varnish has released a webinar “From CDN to Edge Content Delivery: Quantifying...

Secure your varnish connection with TLS

What is TLS? TLS, or Transport layer security, is a more modern version of the original SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It’s...

Are you Ready for Disruption? Content Delivery Trends to Watch

With new breakthroughs, innovations and exciting digital experiences emerging, last year was pivotal for the content...

Varnish Cache 7.3 released

Today is March 15th and that means it’s release day! Every year on March 15th and September 15th, a new version of...

Understanding Varnish Configuration Language (VCL): The Basics

Recently, Varnish Technical Evangelist Thijs Feryn led a webinar covering Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), the...

Quickly Modify & Manage Custom Routing Logic with Varnish Controller 5.1

Varnish Controller is our orchestration tool, built to manage Varnish Enterprise architectures of any size. Packed with...

Porting your Fastly VCL to Varnish

Fastly VCL is a domain-specific programming language which has evolved from the Varnish proxy cache, which is part of...

Understanding the Differences Between NGINX and Varnish

As a Solutions Architect, Web Developer or Performance Engineer, you have many ways to deliver web pages, applications...

Varnish Software - Year in Review 2022

Calling 2022 a “big year” for Varnish Software would be an understatement. Over the last 12 months, we’ve experienced...

4 Key Takeaways from Black Friday And How You Can Use Them Next Year

Another Black Friday has come and gone, along with its sister shop-holiday Cyber Monday. Although with the continued...

Varnish for Internal IT Processes

Accelerate Your Internal IT Processes Your IT team is the lifeblood of your company, and their ability to efficiently...

How to Cache GraphQL Query Results with Varnish Enterprise

GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime for APIs, designed to give clients the specific data they need and...

How to use Varnish Controller with docker-compose

Have you been trying to figure out how you can easily use Varnish Controller with docker-compose? This article walks...

Varnish at the ‘Greening of Streaming’ launch at the UK Parliament

Earlier this month, Varnish Software was delighted to attend the Greening of Streaming launch at the UK parliament. The...

Get Ready Now to Deliver a Better Black Friday and Cyber Monday Experience

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are six months away. However distant this may seem, wheels across the entire e-commerce...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - ActiveDNS

This week's episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday is about ActiveDNS (vmod_activedns), a Varnish Enterprise VMOD that...

Explore the Newest Features in the latest Varnish Enterprise release

Hot on the heels of a major Varnish Controller release, a series of updates to Varnish Enterprise are now available!...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - UDO

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about UDO which is short for "Unified Director Object"....

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - varnishncsa

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about varnishncsa, a tool that you can use to produce web...

NAB thoughts: it isn't (just) the content you deliver, it's how you deliver it

Quality content drives valuable action. Whether that action is a download, install, view, subscription or purchase,...

New Version of Varnish Controller Available Now

The Varnish Controller is our administration solution for managing large Varnish Enterprise environments, offering...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Backend Health

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about backend health. Specifically, backend logs, health...

Celebrating 10 Million Pulls on our Official Varnish Cache Docker Image

As the company behind the Varnish Cache open source project, we do our fair share of contributing to the open source...

How Varnish Improves Artifactory Performance and Reduces Operational Toil Caused by Bottlenecks

Varnish is a software-defined solution for all kinds of web performance challenges. As flexible caching software, it...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Redirect Loops

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about getting stuck in an infinite redirect loop, an...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Issuing JSON Web Tokens

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll continue the conversation about JSON Web Tokens. Last week, we...

Maintaining data privacy beyond the reach of the US CLOUD Act

Data privacy has never been hotter as a topic, in part because the US CLOUD Act came into force, making organizations...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - JSON Web Tokens

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll introduce you to JSON Web Tokens and demonstrate how to...

Varnish for Telcos: How to Harness the Content Delivery Boom

The “death of TV” has long been predicted, and peak multi-device/mobile OTT streaming may finally ring the death knell...

How to Improve your Site's Core Web Vitals

In a previous blog post, we explained the difference between the loading speed of a page and the perceived loading...

What Makes Varnish Fast?

In this blog post we’re exploring some aspects of Varnish Enterprise that enable what it is best known for: excellent...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Basic Authentication

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about basic authentication, and how to use Varnish as an...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Transit Buffer

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about the Transit Buffer. The Transit Buffer is a Varnish...

Varnish Controller 4.0 with Traffic Router

Today’s release of Varnish Controller 4.0 is a milestone for us at Varnish Software.

Varnish for eCommerce

Delivering Game-Changing Performance Improvements and Competitive Advantage for Online Retail As the penetration of...

How to Measure Your Site's Core Web Vitals

As a company, we operate in the web acceleration and content delivery space. Our mission is to speed up the delivery of...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Memory Governor

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about Memory Governor. The Memory Governor is a Varnish...

Using Software to Overcome Network and Hardware Limitations

When COVID-related lockdowns were introduced, and people started living their full lives at home, digitally connecting...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - prefetching

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about prefetching, a concept of proactively fetching...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Hitch

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about Hitch. Hitch is an open-source TLS proxy that...

What is Time to First Byte, and Why is it Important?

The Time to First Byte (TTFB) is the amount of time between sending a request to a server and receiving the first byte...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - PROXY Protocol

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about the PROXY protocol. The PROXY protocol transports...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - varnishstat

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about varnishstat, a tool that displays Varnish...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Ykey

Welcome back to Two-Minute Tech Tuesday! In this week’s episode, we'll take a closer look at Ykey. Ykey is a Varnish...

Varnish Software - Year in Review 2021

This blog post covers some of our most important news and most popular content from 2021. Read on to catch up the new...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Synthetic Responses

In this week’s Two Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about synthetic responses. These are responses that didn't originate...

Managing all your CDN traffic with Traffic Router

Many enterprises these days use what we call a multi-CDN strategy to ensure content reaches their audience reliably....

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - The Lifetime of an Object

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we're explaining how the total lifetime of a cached object is...

Is Black Friday Dead?

Is the traditional Black Friday holiday spending extravaganza dead? Is the decline in Cyber Five spending experienced...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish on Digital Ocean

This week’s episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesday demonstrates how to run Varnish on the Digital Ocean cloud by using the...

Varnish or Squid?

When you think of caching proxies and software for speeding up your website, you think about Varnish and Squid. But how...

Two new VMODS for Varnish Enterprise

We’re happy to announce a new Varnish Enterprise release! Version 6.0.9r1 introduces the Slicer VMOD (which joins the...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Built-in VCL

This week’s episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesday explains how the built-in Varnish Configuration Language (VCL) works....

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Cache variations

In this week’s Two Minute Tech Tuesday, we're talking about cache variations.

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish on OCI

In this week’s Two Minute Tech Tuesday, we're discussing the official Varnish Enterprise image on the Oracle Cloud...

Varnish in a CDN Architecture

In this blog series, we’ve been looking inside Varnish to see what’s under the hood. There’s a lot more going on than...

How the edge, IoT and 5G are forging the future of e-commerce

While predictions about edge computing and 5G changing the face of m-commerce are already coming true, the potential of...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Cache-Control Header

In this week’s Two Minute Tech Tuesday, we're talking about the Cache-Control header which is returned by the origin...

Stay Shoppable: Protect your Online Retail Uptime

Online retail can be unpredictable, which is why strategizing and optimizing your setup to ensure uptime, and in the...

Varnish Performance: What’s Going on Under the Hood with your CDN?

While we have spent some time explaining all the surprising things that the Varnish private CDN solution contains under...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish on Google Cloud Platform

In this week’s Two Minute Tech Tuesday, we're going to revisit the cloud. We've already done three episodes about...

Extending the Functionality of Your Private CDN with Varnish

Content delivery networks (CDNs) can be much more than just the workhorse of content delivery. Sure, that’s what they...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Docker Image

This week's 2-Minute Tech Tuesday features the official Docker image for Varnish. We'll explain what Docker is, how it...

Unwrap the Gift of High-performance Online Retail

Getting all the elements of a consumer-friendly, high-performance online retail experience right is a technical...

The Core of Content Delivery: Varnish Private CDN

Content can’t be king without the CDN In mid-2021 a handful of catastrophic commercial CDN outages made the world take...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish on Azure

In this week's episode of 2-Minute Tech Tuesday, we're showing you how to run Varnish in the cloud on Microsoft Azure...

Varnish Enterprise: What’s Under the Hood?

Many Varnish users experience Varnish only as an HTTP reverse proxy. Widely adopted to be the middle man sitting...

Secure Uptime and Availability for Always-on Retail Success

For online retail companies, downtime is the worst-case scenario. Downtime or traffic slowdowns lead to a number of...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish on AWS

In this week's episode of 2-Minute Tech Tuesday, we're showing you how to run Varnish in the cloud on Amazon Web...

Varnish Controller 3.0 is Here!

We’re pleased to announce the latest release of Varnish Controller - our administration console for managing Varnish...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Clouds

In this week's 2-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll introduce "Varnish Cloud", a Varnish Software product that offers Varnish...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Installing Varnish on CentOS & Red Hat Enterprise Linux

In this week's 2 Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll be talking about installing Varnish on CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Cache the Uncacheable: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Secure Semi-Private Content

One of the most important tools in securing high-performance web content delivery is caching. But when we talk about...

Varnish Enterprise on Oracle Cloud Now Available on a Pay as you Go Basis

Varnish Enterprise is now available via Oracle Cloud Marketplace on a pay-as-you-go basis, for accelerating content...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Installing Varnish on Debian and Ubuntu

In this week's 2 Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll be talking about installing Varnish on Debian and Ubuntu Linux systems.

Store Terabytes of Video at the Edge of your Network

How do the biggest video-streaming platforms in the world manage to store so much video and serve it so fast to such...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Banning

In this week's 2-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll be discussing banning, which is a mechanism in Varnish to remove outdated...

Introducing the New Varnish Developer Portal

Do you have a need to dive deeper into Varnish and what it can do, but you’re not sure where to find the right...

How to Get Away with Website Downtime Without Anyone Knowing

Downtime is always bad, and you want to avoid it. But sometimes you can get away with it. This is one of the magic...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Purging

In this week's 2-Minute Tech Tuesday we'll be talking about "purging", which is Varnish's built-in mechanism to remove...

Uptime at all Times: Origin Shield to the Rescue

Although it’s not a traditional cybersecurity method, origin shielding lets you protect your origin server(s) from...

Legit Bot or Not? Make Sure Search Engines can Index your Content

How can you tell whether bots visiting your website actually are who they say they are? Are they bad bots with...

TLS Encryption and High-Performance Content Delivery

Transport layer security (TLS) is the de facto standard for sending and receiving secure HTTP traffic. With this in...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Cookies

This week's topic is about cookies, a surprisingly challenging topic when it comes to caching.

Understanding Multi-Tenant Web Traffic with Fine-Grained Statistics

It’s not unusual for companies to want to understand their web traffic in greater depth. Being able to collect...

Cybersecurity: Vigilance on all Fronts

Cybersecurity requires more than just a single action or approach because threats exist on many levels. Some of the...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Grace Mode

This week’s episode is about Grace mode, Varnish’s interpretation of stale-while-revalidate.

Web Performance Demands a Good Cache Invalidation Strategy

Securing high performance and speed for web content delivery relies on smart caching strategies. Caching content is a...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Configuration Language

This week’s episode is about VCL — the Varnish Configuration Language — which is used to define your own caching...

Make a web application firewall (WAF) a part of your security strategy

The market for cybersecurity solutions never declines; there are always new and more malicious threats around the next...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Load Balancer

This week's episode is about load balancing, which is a concept where traffic load gets distributed to a collection of...

Total Cache Encryption: Neutralize the Power of a Data Leak

The statistics around data breaches and personal information misuse are alarming. In the United States alone, there is...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Controller

This week’s episode is about the Varnish Controller, an administration console that simplifies the process of managing...

The Most Important Metric for Cleantech Content Delivery

Recently, Varnish Software and Intel announced a major step forward for streaming (and content) delivery, reaching...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Discovery

Today's episode is about Varnish Discovery, but before we can talk about Discovery, we need to look back at last week's...

DDoS Attacks: Every Old Security Threat is New Again

While new cybersecurity threats emerge all the time, some long-standing basic threats have never gone away. The humble...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Broadcaster

This week's episode of 2 Minute Tech Tuesdays is about the Varnish Broadcaster, a Varnish Enterprise tool that...

How to Choose Between Varnish Cache and Varnish Enterprise

As the primary sponsors and developers behind the open-source Varnish Cache project, and providers of the commercial...

Five Reasons Why You Need a Private CDN

Until recently, most users of private CDN solutions have had unique use cases, requiring flexibility and...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Request Coalescing

This episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesdays is about request coalescing, a core feature in Varnish that is used to reduce...

Open Caching: Supporting the future of interoperable video delivery

As principal members of the Streaming Video Alliance (SVA), Varnish Software supports all standardization and...

How an origin shield can save you in an outage

*Last Updated 21/06/2022* Origin shield technology isn’t new, and many companies already rely on origin shielding to...

Two-minute Tech Tuesdays - Parallel ESI

In this week's episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesdays, we're looking at parallel ESI (Edge Side Includes).

Five reasons why you need an origin shield

Whether you have one CDN or many, an origin shield is a must-have as part of your resilience and risk mitigation...

Two-minute Tech Tuesdays - Dynamic Backends

In this episode we'll be looking at dynamic backends. Dynamic backends in Varnish allow backends to be defined on the...

Don’t let your CDN be a single point of failure

The Fastly CDN outage on June 8th, which took down a major part of the internet, including popular websites and...

Finally understanding built-in VCL

VCL or "Varnish Configuration Language" is an absolutely brilliant idea, which I may have said once or twice already,...

Announcing Varnish Enterprise 6.0.8r2

A new version of Varnish Enterprise, release 6.0.8r2, is available now! It adds new Varnish modules (VMODs), features,...

Why use an origin shield as part of a multi-CDN strategy?

Whether you deploy a single CDN or rely on a multi-CDN strategy, an origin shield is a must-have to reduce the load on...

Handling large files with Varnish Transit Buffer

Transit Buffer is a feature available in Varnish Enterprise release 6.0.8r2. Read more here.

Building a multitenant CDN solution

For network operators and ISPs, revenue margins are narrowing in hyper-competitive markets. At the same time, capital...

The state of streaming and the five-year future: OTT, 5G and video ubiquity

Video streaming has overtaken all other use cases in its digital dominance, accelerated by the challenges of...

The 5G future: Less is more

In 2016, in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the mobile industry as a whole committed to working...

Origin Shield: An Extra Layer of Security

While not classified as a traditional cybersecurity method, an origin shield can help mitigate the effects of both...

How green is the cloud?

As a society we’ve come to depend so much on cloud computing that we think of it as a “set and forget” resource (if we...

Do You Need an Origin Shield?

An origin shield is a protective measure that shields your origin server(s) from overload, ensuring high availability,...

Howto: TLS termination with Hitch

Did you know that Hitch is now available as a container image on the dockerhub? I'm asking because it's time to revisit...

The OTT opportunity in APAC

In the diverse Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, over-the-top (OTT) video streaming has exceeded growth expectations and...

Behind the mask: The new face of higher education in a post-Covid world

Higher-ed was already experimenting heavily in hybrid and completely online learning before Covid-19, with extensive...

VMOD in the spotlight: accept

Varnish offers a multitude of modules that extend standard VCL capabilities for specific use cases and improve the...

Varnish Cache added to AliBaba Cloud Market

Varnish Cache is now available as an app on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace! Visit the listing page here. Alibaba Cloud is...

How green is my streaming?

The level of global video streaming has skyrocketed since the Covid-19 crisis began, with more people staying at home,...

How to prepare your website for Google's 2021 Page Experience Update

Your website's speed is not only important to your users, but also to Google. Google factors your page speed into your...

Is the pre-holiday e-commerce code freeze obsolete?

Online retailers have lived and died by the pre-Black Friday/holiday season code freeze almost since the dawn of...

Content delivery in your hands: More control, less cost

For many years content owners, ISPs and other companies with content to deliver or stream have put their trust in large...

The importance of the account management team in your success with Varnish Software

The first thing that struck me after starting at Varnish Software earlier this year was that the whole organization,...

Nonstop shopping without dropping

In 2021, as the Covid pandemic that pushed e-commerce into the dominant way of shopping, it became clear that existing...

Build a private CDN: You localize content, why not your content delivery, too?

When Netflix launched in the APAC region, different concerns surfaced that highlighted just how different the video...

Hello Varnish Controller

We’re very excited to introduce Varnish Controller to the world! Our new administration console for managing Varnish...

Delayed cache insert now available in Varnish Enterprise 6.0.7r3

Caching is good. What if, though, you could increase caching efficiency by letting some objects through the net, and...

Pressing play on successful streaming: Three channels for broadcasters

When we discuss rethinking broadcasting in a streaming world, we all acknowledge that we’ve redefined what TV really...

Rethinking broadcasting in a streaming video world

Sometime during the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic, video streaming, which had already gained a foothold in terms of...

Understanding Varnish logging and log management

One aspect of Varnish that customers and enthusiasts most often ask questions about is how to make more effective use...

Is 5G a game changer? The sustainability of gaming

All predictions indicate that 5G is already a game changer for a number of industries. Gaming is no exception.

Lighten your IT environmental footprint & boost efficiency

When 2020 began, we predicted that the year would not just be “more of the same”. We were thinking in terms of...

Changing of the guard: CDNs and gaming

Game downloads and updates have become behemoth in size (e.g., 200GB for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) and continue to...

Varnish Software - year in review

This blog post is “best of” covering our biggest news and most popular content from the last twelve months. It’s been a...

Parting the clouds: Cloud gaming and video game streaming

There are a lot of ways to look at “cloud gaming” because much of gaming today doesn’t happen without an assist from...

Mobile gaming and 5G

While people have used their mobile phones for gaming almost since the dawn of the mobile phone, the computing power,...