Follow The Rabbit

VCL best practices

Understanding Varnish Configuration Language (VCL): The Basics

Recently, Varnish Technical Evangelist Thijs Feryn led a webinar covering Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), the...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Configuration Language

This week’s episode is about VCL — the Varnish Configuration Language — which is used to define your own caching...

VMOD in the spotlight: accept

Varnish offers a multitude of modules that extend standard VCL capabilities for specific use cases and improve the...

5 Don'ts When Caching with Varnish

Over time, the most popular content we’ve created relates to hands-on Varnish use and relevant dos and don’ts....

Hit-for-Miss AND why a NULL TTL is bad for you

Varnish is a caching server, and a great one at that, that much we already know. But what about the content you don't...

Ending the pipe dream: when to use pipe in Varnish

As you may know, part of my job consists of helping Varnish users, both customers and community users (join us on...