Follow The Rabbit


Two new VMODS for Varnish Enterprise

We’re happy to announce a new Varnish Enterprise release! Version 6.0.9r1 introduces the Slicer VMOD (which joins the...

Two-minute Tech Tuesdays - Dynamic Backends

In this episode we'll be looking at dynamic backends. Dynamic backends in Varnish allow backends to be defined on the...

Announcing Varnish Enterprise 6.0.8r2

A new version of Varnish Enterprise, release 6.0.8r2, is available now! It adds new Varnish modules (VMODs), features,...

Handling large files with Varnish Transit Buffer

Transit Buffer is a feature available in Varnish Enterprise release 6.0.8r2. Read more here.

VMOD in the spotlight: accept

Varnish offers a multitude of modules that extend standard VCL capabilities for specific use cases and improve the...

Bot identity verification in Varnish

Are you sure the robots visiting your website are who they say they are? The newest addition to the VMOD roster in...