Guillaume Quintard

Guillaume Quintard

Director of Technical Enterprise accounts at Varnish Software

Handling the X-Forwarded-For Header

When you send an HTTP request to a server, it’s unlikely that you are talking to it directly. Rather, you are sending...

Varnish and Observability (part 3: More metrics, more logs)

Hello there! This article is the third part of a series, you may want to start at the beginning (The Basics), or at...

Varnish and Observability (Part 2: Grafana and Friends)

In our previous post, Varnish and Observability (Part 1: The Basics), we explored the Varnish ecosystem of core tools...

Device Detection and Varnish: 3 Approaches

Do you wish you knew what device or browser your clients are using? Do you need to take on-the-fly decisions based on...

Open-Source Sneak Peek: Backend Request Queueing

Life as a reverse-proxy can be tough, you know? On one side, you have users in a hurry coming to you to get their...

Varnish and Microservices

Microservices are great: they isolate concerns, provide modular and reusable components and forces us, developers, to...