Guillaume Quintard

Guillaume Quintard

Director of Technical Enterprise accounts at Varnish Software

Tech Preview: varnish-otel

Last year, I wrote about the need for observability, touched on how precise the varnish reports can be, how it’s...

Boost Object Storage Performance with Conditional Requests

HTTP has been around a long time. Like, it's now at the age where it's probably considering buying a red convertible....

The Importance (and ease) of Sharding Your Cache

Recently, I’ve been talking about object storage and one topic we absolutely need to discuss is sharding because it’s a...

S3 Shield: Fronting Storj with Varnish on DigitalOcean

A few weeks ago, we talked about making your object storage faster and reducing costs, staying fairly high-level. We...

Handling the X-Forwarded-For Header

When you send an HTTP request to a server, it’s unlikely that you are talking to it directly. Rather, you are sending...

Varnish and Observability (part 3: More metrics, more logs)

Hello there! This article is the third part of a series, you may want to start at the beginning (The Basics), or at...