Follow The Rabbit

object storage

Unlocking Varnish’s Potential: Using Synthbackend for Live Video Streaming and Ephemeral Object Storage

One of Varnish's key strengths is its ability to quickly look up an object by hash in memory or on disk and return it...

Boost Object Storage Performance with Conditional Requests

HTTP has been around a long time. Like, it's now at the age where it's probably considering buying a red convertible....

The Importance (and ease) of Sharding Your Cache

Recently, I’ve been talking about object storage and one topic we absolutely need to discuss is sharding because it’s a...

Storj and Varnish Test Results: Better Storage, Better Delivery

With another CDN announcing they are leaving the industry this quarter, the search for an affordable, performant, and...

S3 Shield: Fronting Storj with Varnish on DigitalOcean

A few weeks ago, we talked about making your object storage faster and reducing costs, staying fairly high-level. We...

The Growing Challenges and Opportunities in Object Storage: Survey Insights

As businesses shift to cloud-based infrastructure, managing massive amounts of unstructured data has made object...