Follow The Rabbit


The Edge and Varnish: FAQ

In our recent webinar with STL, From CDN to Edge Content Delivery: Quantifying the Big Opportunity, we received a lot...

What Makes Varnish Fast?

In this blog post we’re exploring some aspects of Varnish Enterprise that enable what it is best known for: excellent...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Memory Governor

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about Memory Governor. The Memory Governor is a Varnish...

Varnish or Squid?

When you think of caching proxies and software for speeding up your website, you think about Varnish and Squid. But how...

5 Varnish Dos: Do Do that Voodoo that You Do So Well

In a recent webinar, we shared some of the big dos and don’ts of Varnish use. After outlining the don’ts in an earlier...

5 Don'ts When Caching with Varnish

Over time, the most popular content we’ve created relates to hands-on Varnish use and relevant dos and don’ts....