Follow The Rabbit

Varnish Enterprise 6

Keep your stack up-to-date (we can help!)

Let’s open with an extremely controversial statement: you should run up-to-date software*. I think everybody here...

How to use Varnish Controller with docker-compose

Have you been trying to figure out how you can easily use Varnish Controller with docker-compose? This article walks...

How to Choose Between Varnish Cache and Varnish Enterprise

As the primary sponsors and developers behind the open-source Varnish Cache project, and providers of the commercial...

Hitch 1.6: Remove the middleman with Hitch packages & official Docker image

We get a lot of questions about TLS and Varnish, and we’ve long been touting our TLS proxy, Hitch, as the best way to...

The Varnish Enterprise advantage

In our final blog in the series about differences between Varnish Enterprise and Varnish Cache, let’s highlight two...