Jonatan Lindgren

Jonatan Lindgren

Maintaining data privacy beyond the reach of the US CLOUD Act

Data privacy has never been hotter as a topic, in part because the US CLOUD Act came into force, making organizations...

Is Black Friday Dead?

Is the traditional Black Friday holiday spending extravaganza dead? Is the decline in Cyber Five spending experienced...

The Core of Content Delivery: Varnish Private CDN

Content can’t be king without the CDN In mid-2021 a handful of catastrophic commercial CDN outages made the world take...

Cache the Uncacheable: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Secure Semi-Private Content

One of the most important tools in securing high-performance web content delivery is caching. But when we talk about...

Nonstop shopping without dropping

In 2021, as the Covid pandemic that pushed e-commerce into the dominant way of shopping, it became clear that existing...

Mobile gaming and 5G

While people have used their mobile phones for gaming almost since the dawn of the mobile phone, the computing power,...