Jonatan Lindgren

Jonatan Lindgren

Greener government: Discover hidden pro-eco IT techniques

In organizations all over the world, sustainability has become a watchword. This may be especially true in the public...

Delivering consistent, secure web performance for public sector organizations

Public sector websites and apps may not get a lot of love because, for the most part, they are taken for granted by...

The Varnish Enterprise advantage

In our final blog in the series about differences between Varnish Enterprise and Varnish Cache, let’s highlight two...

Virtual education: Sustainable anytime, anywhere learning

Major pushes toward enabling ubiquitous, anywhere-anytime education were underway before the current COVID-19-driven...

Preparing for the future of immersive e-commerce

New technologies are ratcheting up consumer expectations of their e-commerce experiences. For example, China’s Singles...