Miles Weaver

Miles Weaver

CMO Varnish Software

Make a web application firewall (WAF) a part of your security strategy

The market for cybersecurity solutions never declines; there are always new and more malicious threats around the next...

Five Reasons Why You Need a Private CDN

Until recently, most users of private CDN solutions have had unique use cases, requiring flexibility and...

The 5G future: Less is more

In 2016, in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the mobile industry as a whole committed to working...

Varnish Cache added to AliBaba Cloud Market

Varnish Cache is now available as an app on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace! Visit the listing page here. Alibaba Cloud is...

Is the pre-holiday e-commerce code freeze obsolete?

Online retailers have lived and died by the pre-Black Friday/holiday season code freeze almost since the dawn of...

Pressing play on successful streaming: Three channels for broadcasters

When we discuss rethinking broadcasting in a streaming world, we all acknowledge that we’ve redefined what TV really...