Follow The Rabbit

varnish for streaming

The state of streaming and the five-year future: OTT, 5G and video ubiquity

Video streaming has overtaken all other use cases in its digital dominance, accelerated by the challenges of...

The OTT opportunity in APAC

In the diverse Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, over-the-top (OTT) video streaming has exceeded growth expectations and...

Pressing play on successful streaming: Three channels for broadcasters

When we discuss rethinking broadcasting in a streaming world, we all acknowledge that we’ve redefined what TV really...

Rethinking broadcasting in a streaming video world

Sometime during the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic, video streaming, which had already gained a foothold in terms of...

Varnish and BBR: Lower latency OTT video delivery on congested networks

When delivering video over-the-top (OTT), the internet is the principal highway for distributing this content. However,...

Three features that make Varnish ideal for video streaming

Varnish is first and foremost known as an HTTP web accelerator, or an HTTP cache. One question we often get is: “Why...