Follow The Rabbit

web acceleration

Case Study: Powering Performance in the Financial Sector

In this blog, we delve into how a leading online bank significantly enhanced its web performance and security using...

Mauve Mailorder's Need for Speed: A Success Story of Efficiency and Control with Varnish Enterprise

Mauve Mailorder Software(Mauve) stands out as a trailblazer in digitizing pharmacies and advancing the online pharmacy...

How to Speed up Liferay Web Portals with Varnish Enterprise

Many of us interact with web portals on a near-daily basis. These platforms serve as centralized hubs for accessing,...

Understanding the Differences Between NGINX and Varnish

As a Solutions Architect, Web Developer or Performance Engineer, you have many ways to deliver web pages, applications...

How to Improve your Site's Core Web Vitals

In a previous blog post, we explained the difference between the loading speed of a page and the perceived loading...

To know Varnish is to love Varnish

People who already know and love Varnish have been singing its praises for a long time. But we’ve seen over the course...