Follow The Rabbit


Secure your varnish connection with TLS

What is TLS? TLS, or Transport layer security, is a more modern version of the original SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It’s...

Howto: TLS termination with Hitch

Did you know that Hitch is now available as a container image on the dockerhub? I'm asking because it's time to revisit...

How to reduce cache complexity with Varnish Enterprise

For many years, we’ve fielded questions about which is better, Varnish or NGINX? We’ve always affirmed that both are...

NEW RELEASE: Varnish Enterprise 6.0.6r2

We’re delighted to reveal that a new version of Varnish Enterprise 6 is now available! The latest iteration of our...

Top 10 things you need to know about Varnish

Whether we meet seasoned or novice Varnish users of the caching software we all love, there are a number of questions...

4 steps to more secure e-shopping: Can e-tailers thwart the cybercrime opportunity?

E-commerce platforms, in preparation for the strain that will hit their sites in the lead-up to holiday shopping and...