August 28, 2015
1 min read time

Varnish Software cited in Forrester’s CDN And Digital Performance Vendor Landscape Report

The Forrester report is written to help application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals pick the best content delivery network (CDN) and digital performance vendor. We believe that the report is a valuable source for AD&D professionals whether they are seeking a new CDN vendor or simply wish to benchmark an existing provider against the leaders in the market.

The report

The Forrester report includes a database of features, global capabilities, market presence, and commercial models for 24 vendors. You can download the report from Forrester's site here. We hope it will help you shed some light on the complicated process of selecting CDN and Digital performance vendors.

Why Varnish Plus?

Varnish Plus is designed to meet the most demanding scalability, customization, monitoring and expert support services of today’s infrastructures. It also has the built-in flexibility and scale to meet the challenges of tomorrow. In fact, many of our customers list the flexibility of Varnish Plus, in addition to the performance capabilities it brings, as the number one reason for choosing it. You can read some of our case studies here if you would like to learn more about how our solution has helped our customers boost the performance of their websites and their content delivery.
If you want to get access to Varnish Plus, install it and experience firsthand how it can help your company, go ahead and give it a spin.

Try Varnish Plus now

Image is (c) 2012 Nazmi Hamadi used under Creative Common license.