September 22, 2016
2 min read time

Professional Services: Shifting your Varnish development into high gear


Varnish Plus is capable of doing a lot of different things, all of which help enhance your website’s speed, performance, scalability, availability and flexibility. But because it’s, as we like to say, a Swiss Army knife of a tool, with lots of bells, whistles, gadgets and corkscrews, getting beyond the basic Varnish benefits can require a little bit more insight and expertise.

Get the help you need with Varnish Plus

For this reason, we’ve introduced Varnish Plus Professional Services. You’ve heard many times that Varnish is limited only by your imagination and skills level with the VCL (Varnish Configuration Language), and while that’s true, it’s also true that your time may better be spent handing over Varnish development and assistance to Varnish core developers (the experts!) to help you develop your bespoke fixes, help you migrate to the latest version of Varnish or just to get the one-on-one assistance you need to make sure that your Varnish instances are running optimally and that you’re getting absolutely everything out of your installation that you can.

Pick the package you need

We developed a few service package options to suit your needs, each of which will be delivered by a Varnish core developer - the keepers of all the Varnish knowledge, tips and tricks. You can decide what level and kind of assistance you need, choosing from among the professional service packages we’ve built. Take a look at these packages to see what we can offer you.

We’ll let our customer Fujitsu share their view on our professional services offering:

"For Fujitsu, vendor support was key in delivering and supporting the critical e-business layer we implement for our customers; professional services provided an additional layer of security and expertise, which is why the commercial Varnish Plus subscription was a must for us.” -Michel Schuster, IT Architect at Fujitsu Technology Solutions

 Please contact us for more information:


Photo (c) 2014 H. Michael Karshis used under Creative Commons license.