September 3, 2015
1 min read time

Italian Partner event with Fullsix

If you’re curious about the more technical aspects of Varnish Plus in action including tips and tricks for using Varnish Plus as an advanced load balancer and administration console (Varnish Administration Console), this event is your chance to learn. Fulltechnology, a leading interactive and technology player that designs, builds and executes software platforms, will augment the real-world Varnish Plus information with its own commercial and technical insights.

To top off the session, the event will showcase the business case of leading global mass media giant, Conde Nast, and its implementation and use of Varnish Plus. Conde Nast Italy’s CTO, Giuseppe Serrecchia, will present real-life examples of how Conde Nast has developed and used Varnish Plus to meet their specific needs.

Naturally, networking in a more relaxed atmosphere is on the agenda after the presentations. The event will be followed up with a cocktail reception.

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Image is (c) 2013 Roberto Taddeo and used under a Creative Commons license.