March 2, 2016
1 min read time

Stay tuned for persistence in Varnish

Since the launch of Varnish Cache 1.0 - we've been asked about persisting data across restarts in Varnish Cache. Initially people asked about it not because it was needed but mostly because Squid, the software people were replacing, would retain content across restarts.

It turned out people mostly don't need Varnish to persist data across restarts. The need for the persistence feature faded. Then, as people started storing massive amounts of data in Varnish, the need arose again. Those of our customers using the massive storage engine were storing up to 100 terabytes of data in their caches and retransmitting these data was expensive. Since its inception, the Massive Storage Engine (MSE) was architected in a way making it possible to persist the data. This has been slated for the 2.0 release of MSE.

Release is now imminent. The Massive Storage Engine will soon have the option to persist its data across restarts. This will make Varnish Plus an even stronger component for caching large amounts of data. Stay tuned.

We’ll be launching Massive Storage Engine 2.0 at our upcoming Varnish Summit in San Francisco. Join us there to learn more.

You can sign up for you free ticket here.