Per Buer

Per Buer

Straight from the Varnish lab: Parallel ESI

We’ve been working on adding parallel ESI in Varnish Plus for the last couple of months. The code is now...

Integrating varnish - how to have varnish ask for advice

The nicest thing about Varnish is VCL. You can define your own business logic in Varnish and have it run at more or...

Stay tuned for persistence in Varnish

Since the launch of Varnish Cache 1.0 - we've been asked about persisting data across restarts in Varnish Cache....

What is hit-for-pass in Varnish Cache?

There is a term in Varnish Cache that every Varnish Cache user should know: “Hit for pass”. Like other Varnish Cache...

Varnish and Microservices: Introducing zipnish

Microservices emerged as a pattern some years ago. Initially it was an even fuzzier and more vague pattern than what it...

Upgrading from Varnish Cache 2.1 to 3.0

Andreas Plesner Jacobsen wrote an guide for upgrading Varnish Cache 2.1 to 3.0. Tollef pulled the document into the...