October 27, 2015
1 min read time

Islands in the stream: Dailymotion live streaming delivery platform

Forgive my penchant for naming blog posts after cheesy songs – it simply cannot be helped. Reading about streaming and a video-sharing powerhouse like Dailymotion relying on Varnish to ensure performance and availability, it’s no wonder I want to sing a love song.

What can I say? We get pretty excited when we read about the ways different companies are using Varnish Software solutions to tackle their performance and scalability challenges and meet the demands of their audience. Especially when we see how they get creative and push Varnish to do more than they (or sometimes even we) imagined possible.

Dailymotion is one of the world’s biggest video platforms and offers up a mix of user-generated, indie and premium content. This undoubtedly comes with its own set of evolving challenges. It’s a service with a whole lot of visitors and users, which is great, but also means architecture and scale are always on Dailymotion’s mind. This concern has only ballooned as the service expanded to offer free, live streaming content. A boon for the user, but, without some good planning for the live platform, a balloon that could easily pop.

But Dailymotion has it all covered, as they recently shared. In turn, we wanted to share their experience in building a live platform that could handle all kinds of files, all kinds of traffic, could be easily and flexibly configured and – of key importance – origin-shield capable (protect those backends, people!).

Thanks for sharing, Dailymotion!

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Image is (c) Linh Nguyen, used under CC license.