April 27, 2016
2 min read time

Varnish Summit at UK tech HQ

Guess what? We’re coming back to London on May 26th, and we are very excited to announce that we will be holding our Varnish Summit at the CodeNode tech venue, operated by Skills Matter, the British tech community of engineers and developers, with whom we have partnered up recently.

Key take-aways of the London Summit

Here are some key take-aways you’ll get by attending the Varnish Summit in London: learn more about the famous Varnish flexibility and versatility, get hands-on with VMODs, gain an understanding of how to take advantage of the Varnish Massive Storage Engine, find out how to optimize your website’s performance and use the Varnish API engine to handle 23,000+ API calls per second. All this and more delivered in lectures and talks from our core developers.

Furthermore, guest speaker Pinterest will present and share how they are using Varnish in the AWS ecosystem resilient to autoscaling, and how the company transitioned their entire Varnish fleet from EC2-Classic to EC2-VPC. Get a sneak peek and read more about it in our previous blog post.

Take a peek at the agenda for the London event day to see a comprehensive overview of what’s on.

You will also get a glance into Varnish Software’s home-brewing process and hear our brewing success and disaster stories. After that you’ll be warmly invited to join us for a beer tasting - unfortunately not our own Varnish brew, but a nice sampling, nevertheless.

We are looking forward to seeing you again!

Register for the London Varnish Summit