September 20, 2016
2 min read time

Watch our new whiteboard session: Security and TLS/SSL in Varnish

Every single day the tech news is filled with stories about cybersecurity threats and failures. Despite these ominous warnings and daily reminders, enterprises are, according to new reports, surprisingly vulnerable and complacent. Juniper Networks’ report found that companies believe they are much more secure than they really are; Cisco’s midyear security report found that firms are up against increasingly sophisticated threats but often go to battle with outdated and unpatched security software; Akamai reported that DDoS attacks hit a 129 percent year-on-year increase. We’ve also put together our own white paper on security.

Knowing all of this (and this is just a sampling of the ‘bad news’), and knowing that it is impossible to ever be 100 percent safe, it is a good time to assess risk and decide what mitigation techniques you can employ.

Learn how Varnish can help you mitigate security risks by taking a look at our latest whiteboard session on security and TLS/SSL integration in Varnish.



You can also learn more by downloading our white paper, Security with Varnish Plus.

download white paper

Photo (c) 2012 Bilal Kamoon used under Creative Commons license.