Follow The Rabbit


Varnish and Observability (Part 2: Grafana and Friends)

In our previous post, Varnish and Observability (Part 1: The Basics), we explored the Varnish ecosystem of core tools...

Varnish and Observability (Part 1: The Basics)

Is Varnish fast? Of course it is! I know that, you know that, but I want my friends, and my friends’ friends to also...

Varnish and JSON Logging

I usually have a way with long-winded introductions, but not today. Today, I’m just too excited to share the news to...

Unlock the Power of Varnishlog: A Comprehensive Tutorial to Gain Actionable Insights from Varnish

Varnish sits in front of the web or application server and caches its output. This means that the logs of the web...

Understanding Varnish logging and log management

One aspect of Varnish that customers and enthusiasts most often ask questions about is how to make more effective use...