Follow The Rabbit

VCL (11)

Getting virtual hosts right with Varnish Cache.

When answering questions in the forums, the mailing lists or our support, one of the most common topics to come up is...

Logging in Varnish 4.0

Logging in Varnish Cache is one of the unique features of Varnish that in my mind sets it apart from the rest of the...

404 handling in Varnish Cache

when you have lots and lots of data, it’s hard to update it in a timely manner. Sometimes all you need is a bit of time...

Using pipe in Varnish

Quite often we see people using return(pipe) in VCL and then running in to various problems. Let me give you some...

A speedier website at a smaller cost and how Wetpaint uses Varnish to scale

Tony Flint leads the team that owns the happiness and health of the web infrastructure at During our chat...

Flying without turbines: Compiler-less Varnish Cache

Varnish Cache uses the gcc compiler by default. If you need it to run without the compiler, for whatever reason, we can...