Per Buer

Per Buer

404 handling in Varnish Cache

when you have lots and lots of data, it’s hard to update it in a timely manner. Sometimes all you need is a bit of time...

Using pipe in Varnish

Quite often we see people using return(pipe) in VCL and then running in to various problems. Let me give you some...

Live AB testing with Varnish and VCS

In Varnish Software, we tend to be building tools more than solutions. I like tools that are open and flexible. When we...

The essential vmods all Varnish users should know about

Approximately two years ago we released Varnish Cache 3.0. In my view the most important feature was the support for...

Advanced cache invalidation strategies

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” -- Phil Karlton Today, I’ll...

Speculative Lock Elision in Varnish Cache

This year we’ve seen quite an interesting announcement from Intel. Their Haswell processors are now on sale. Usually we...