Per Buer

Per Buer

Truly dynamic backend definition in Varnish

If you have a really big web farm you'll have lots of backends and some sort of complex mapping between virtual hosts...

Persistence in Varnish

My favorite Varnish branch these days is the persistence branch. Persistence was introduced in Varnish Cache 2.1 as en...

Counting syscall in Varnish Cache

Way back when we did a rough count on how many syscalls Varnish uses to deliver a piece of cache content. I think...

Why I don't like SPDY

Last week, on the user group meetup in Paris, there were quite a few discussions about SPDY. Currently Google is...

The hash collision attacks

During Christmas there was a big kerfuffle around the hash collision attacks, a denial of service attack that exploits...

HTTP Streaming in Varnish

Since April this year we've been working with a few customers implementing proper support for streaming of objects in...