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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

Streaming in Varnish 3.0

Varnish Cache 2.1 does what you can call store-and-forward proxying. It gets the request, then it turns around, gets...

Bans and purges in Varnish 3.0

In Varnish 1.0 there was only one way or ejecting content from Varnish. You had to add VCL code that could find the...

Varnish 3.0 changes - ESI and gzip

Finally Varnish 3.0 is feature complete and we're about to roll out a beta. All in all we've done quite a lot of...

Why ICP isn't happening (and is generally a bad idea)

Two features are very often asked for in Varnish. One is SSL and we'll be coming back to that one later and the other...

Validating cookies in Varnish

or why VCL is the best thing since sliced bread.

Looking up error codes

Sometimes, when Varnish talks to it's backend things don't work out. The operating system, which handles the actual...