Yves Hwang

Yves Hwang

‎Browsers, HTML5, Websocket & Varnish - The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover ‎

Varnish Cache and the support for HTML5 is akin to the movie titled The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover. The...

Varnish Administration Console - "Cache Groups" sneak peek!

This is the last installment of the VAC sneak peak - introducing Cache Groups!

Varnish Administration Console - "Ban Management" sneak peek!

Contrary to popular belief, sometimes having long TTL objects in your cache is bad for business. In this instant-update...

275,000 requests per second: Yes we can!

In the Age of Reason, Galileo Galilei brought a tremendous shift in paradigm into the world with the advent of the...