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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

Varnish Cache 3.0.3

Yesterday we released Varnish Cache 3.0.3. It's been out as a release candidate for ages, well at least a couple of...

Varnish Paywall: a winning pay-for-access formula?

A paywall is is a concept where a website owner deploys a virtual wall around their content and puts restrictions on...

Testing the persistent storage engine

Last week I spent quite a bit of time toying with the Varnish persistent storage engine. The long term goal of the...

Instant ipv6 coating with Varnish

IPv6 is here. Finally it seems it has gotten some momentum. It will be some time before we can actually discard of our...

Security: Rejecting offending connections

Once upon a time DDoS attacks where something rare. Now, not a week goes by without such an attack on a customer or a...

Truly dynamic backend definition in Varnish

If you have a really big web farm you'll have lots of backends and some sort of complex mapping between virtual hosts...