Follow The Rabbit

Akamai Connector for Varnish

Why use Varnish with Akamai?

Since launching the Akamai Connector for Varnish we have heard the question a number of times: “I don't use Varnish,...

Akamai & Varnish delivered maximum origin offload for CBC

The Akamai Connector for Varnish, or the components that led to its development, has already been tested on real-life...

Sync up: Akamai Connector for Varnish takes a load off

A few months ago, we announced the Akamai Connector for Varnish. We released it on a limited scale to give users the...

Multi-tiered caching made easier

Duplicative work is never a good idea. Especially not if your job is to ensure that your organization delivers content...