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Varnish Software Blog

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Now offering: Varnish Administrator Certification!

Today we are proud to introduce to you our new training offering, Varnish Certification. The certification is currently...

Q&A from the "You can cache everything" webinar

Here are the questions we got along with their answers.

A speedier website at a smaller cost and how Wetpaint uses Varnish to scale

Tony Flint leads the team that owns the happiness and health of the web infrastructure at During our chat...

Getting live statistics from Varnish with HLS/HDS

The recent years we’ve seen a surge in the use of HTTP-based transports for online video. HTTP Live Streaming (HLS),...

Withstanding DDOS attacks with Varnish and COTS hardware

Recent years denial of service attacks have become commonplace. You no longer have to create your own botnet in order...

Paywall challenges

When implementing a Paywall in an organization there are a lots of changes needed. There are editorial changes,...