Guillaume Quintard
Director of Technical Enterprise accounts at Varnish Software
Latest Articles
- Guillaume Quintard
- November 21, 2017
This post was initially titled "Top 6 Varnish mistakes", to echo Espen's blog. Even though his material is three years...
- Guillaume Quintard
- August 30, 2017
Docker has been on my radar for quite some years now, but, I have to admit, as a C developer, I never really cared...
- Guillaume Quintard
- July 19, 2017
There's a recurring discussion I get myself into, and it goes roughly like this: - I want to stream live video, what...
- Guillaume Quintard
- June 21, 2017
During the latest Varnish Summit in London, the awesome Thijs Feryn had a presentation in which he explained the need...
- Guillaume Quintard
- March 21, 2017
UPDATE: mss noted on Github that I manipulted the Set-Cookie header as if it were the Cookie header, which is wrong....
content freshness
asking server about content freshness
caching goals
systematic content validation with Varnish
Etag header
origin protect
- Guillaume Quintard
- February 8, 2017
"Can Varnish go to the backend and check the content freshness. FOR.EVERY.SINGLE.REQUEST?"
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