Follow The Rabbit

caching (4)

Why and when do you need a hybrid or multi-CDN strategy?

Video traffic makes up at least 80% of the content that gets delivered, and as the demand for smooth video streaming...

Back to basics: web caching for performance

Working as we do with web caching as our baseline, we take for granted that everyone knows and understands and takes...

How to use caching to fence off hurricane traffic

It’s hurricane season, and the Caribbean and southeastern United States are experiencing some of the most devastating...

Yet another POST on caching vs cookies 1/2

There are "things" I quite don't like, and "yet another" was already one of those even before I first browsed the web....

Join us for Varnish Training in Paris this fall

Want to make the most of your Varnish installation? Join us for the opportunity to get the best Varnish training...

Intro to TTL Management - Part 2

In the first part of this series on managing dynamic CDN content, I explained how to use direct cache invalidation for...