Follow The Rabbit

Varnish Cache (11)

Advanced cache invalidation applied: Replacing Adobe AEM (CQ5) Dispatcher with Varnish Plus - part 2

Quite a while back, I wrote the first part of this blog series about the challenges of cache invalidation with the...

What is varnishtest?

Have you used varnishtest? Maybe not, but we’ve just made it a lot easier for you to adopt and put into practice!

A lighter footprint in the face of climate change

Incredible uncertainty surrounded the recent UN climate talks in Paris, including a lot of doubt as to whether an...

Conditional requests versus cache invalidation

If your content ever changes you’ll need some way to make sure the updated content reaches the users. The traditional...

Let’s go surfin’ now – everybody’s learnin’ how: Surfline case study published

Learn how Surfline implemented Varnish Cache and Varnish Plus to deliver the best user experience while riding the...

Flying pigs and SSL in Varnish Cache Plus

After quite a bit of time and discussion, I’m very happy to announce that we’ve finished implementing SSL in Varnish...