Arianna Aondio

Arianna Aondio

Build your own CDN in 5 steps

We, as users, are consuming (and producing) more content than ever, Cisco predicts that “global Internet traffic in...

Varnish and security

The correlation between cloud/edge computing and security is growing stronger every day, and any caching/CDN solution...

VCL at the edge

In 'The Odyssey,' Greek poet Homer describes the 'wine-dark sea’. Today we would probably say “dark blue sea”, but at...

What role does the butterfly effect play in tech?

It’s pretty well-known that the “butterfly effect” is the term used to describe the theory that a single, tiny...

How to use Varnish to make your cache infrastructure GDPR compliant

All European businesses (and in fact all companies that do business with Europe) have at least one thing in common...