Arianna Aondio
Latest Articles
- Arianna Aondio
- May 5, 2020
During the recent release of Varnish Enterprise 6.0.6, a significant amount of attention focused on in-process TLS. But...
Varnish Cache
web performance
web caching
web scalability
Varnish support
Varnish Enterprise 6
end of support
- Arianna Aondio
- April 21, 2020
The open source version of Varnish Cache 4.1x is no longer supported. For existing Varnish customers using Varnish...
- Arianna Aondio
- March 4, 2020
If you’re familiar at all with Varnish, you know it improves content delivery performance by storing a copy of your...
live streaming via commercial CDN
live video content delivery
Varnish solutions
streaming trends
in-house CDN
- Arianna Aondio
- February 19, 2020
Both live and VoD streaming pose challenges ranging from latency to uptime - these issues pose no surprise but are also...
- Arianna Aondio
- September 11, 2019
Hammering home the performance-performance-performance theme again and again, we’ve told the story of caching and...
- Arianna Aondio
- September 10, 2019
Consulting firm Accenture has been discussing the importance of hyper-relevance in e-commerce and across online...
Explore articles from Varnish experts on web performance, advanced caching techniques, CDN optimization and more, plus all the latest tips and insights for enhancing your content delivery operations.