Arianna Aondio
Latest Articles
- Arianna Aondio
- September 2, 2019
As consumers, we expect to access any content we want on any device with within-millisecond-availability, playing...
- Arianna Aondio
- August 29, 2019
Every year around this time, companies start to tell (or be told) cautionary tales about the e-commerce ghosts of Black...
- Arianna Aondio
- July 15, 2019
People, increasingly dependent on their various devices, are becoming even more increasingly dependent on...
- Arianna Aondio
- June 11, 2019
We talk and write a lot about video streaming and how we can help companies achieve the vaunted trifecta of streaming...
- Arianna Aondio
- June 3, 2019
Storage is one of those things most of us probably don’t think much about when it comes to provisioning enough for our...
- Arianna Aondio
- June 5, 2018
There once was a time that building your own CDN would have been unthinkable - complicated, expensive and not worth the...
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