Erika Wolfe

Erika Wolfe

Technical Writer at Varnish Software

Relocation support on Enterprise Linux

In the latest Varnish Cache Plus (VCP) release for Enterprise Linux, support

Olympic-Sized Scaling Visualized: Are You Ready for a Web Traffic Jam?

We’ve talked a lot about the technical challenges of streaming and broadcasting previous Olympic Games, and how...

Varnish Cache Plus 4.0.3r5 available

Varnish Cache Plus 4.0.3r5 is now available in the repositories. All users

Five reasons to love Varnish this Valentine’s Day

Varnish is for lovers of flexible solutions for creating high-performance, scalable websites. It’s for lovers of open...

Olympic-Sized Scaling: Big Names Scale Up with Varnish

Every time the Olympic Games take place, the previous event is surpassed by the next in its streaming magnitude and...