Erika Wolfe
Technical Writer at Varnish Software
Latest Articles
- Erika Wolfe
- April 13, 2016
We're happy to announce the release of Varnish Cache 4.0.3r6.
- Erika Wolfe
- March 30, 2016
And they’re off… The Grand National, a National Hunt horse race that takes place annually in Britain, is coming up...
- Erika Wolfe
- March 15, 2016
If you’ve ever wondered how and why CacheFly, a world-leader in CDN technology, is the throughput expert, you now have...
high availabiity
Varnish Plus
web performance
US presidential election
web scalability
Super Tuesday
- Erika Wolfe
- March 1, 2016
In the seemingly neverending US presidential primary season, today is seen as a near make-or-break day: Super Tuesday....
- Erika Wolfe
- February 29, 2016
We've written a lot in recent weeks about HTTP streaming and the challenges of handling the massive demand. Our context...
- Erika Wolfe
- February 22, 2016
It’s hard to believe, but Varnish Cache is 10! On February 22, we’re singing happy birthday to ourselves (now that the...
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