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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

Still using the GET and HEAD commands? Meet httpie

I've been using libwww-perl's GET, POST and HEAD commands for the last ten years at least. Typing "GET -Used" is more...

Partitioning your Varnish Cache

If you have multiple virtual hosts being handled by the same server you sometimes want some sort of QoS to apply to...

Adding headers to gain insight into VCL

Varnish logs a lot. Sometimes it is a bit too much and verifying that your VCL works the way it is supposed to can be a...

Introducing the Varnish Tuner

Varnish Cache is a high performance web application accelerator that performs very good out of the box. The default...

How Your Website's Caching Platform Can Help Your Newsroom

Working in the newsroom? With Varnish Software having crossover in almost every industry with an online presence, we...

Getting virtual hosts right with Varnish Cache.

When answering questions in the forums, the mailing lists or our support, one of the most common topics to come up is...