Ian Vaughan

Ian Vaughan

Senior Product Marketing Manager at Varnish Software

Varnish Controller 3.0 is Here!

We’re pleased to announce the latest release of Varnish Controller - our administration console for managing Varnish...

Varnish Enterprise on Oracle Cloud Now Available on a Pay as you Go Basis

Varnish Enterprise is now available via Oracle Cloud Marketplace on a pay-as-you-go basis, for accelerating content...

Store Terabytes of Video at the Edge of your Network

How do the biggest video-streaming platforms in the world manage to store so much video and serve it so fast to such...

Uptime at all Times: Origin Shield to the Rescue

Although it’s not a traditional cybersecurity method, origin shielding lets you protect your origin server(s) from...

Understanding Multi-Tenant Web Traffic with Fine-Grained Statistics

It’s not unusual for companies to want to understand their web traffic in greater depth. Being able to collect...

Web Performance Demands a Good Cache Invalidation Strategy

Securing high performance and speed for web content delivery relies on smart caching strategies. Caching content is a...