Thijs Feryn

Thijs Feryn

Technical Evangelist at Varnish Software

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Varnish Broadcaster

This week's episode of 2 Minute Tech Tuesdays is about the Varnish Broadcaster, a Varnish Enterprise tool that...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Request Coalescing

This episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesdays is about request coalescing, a core feature in Varnish that is used to reduce...

Two-minute Tech Tuesdays - Parallel ESI

In this week's episode of Two Minute Tech Tuesdays, we're looking at parallel ESI (Edge Side Includes).

Two-minute Tech Tuesdays - Dynamic Backends

In this episode we'll be looking at dynamic backends. Dynamic backends in Varnish allow backends to be defined on the...

VMOD in the spotlight: accept

Varnish offers a multitude of modules that extend standard VCL capabilities for specific use cases and improve the...