Ian Vaughan

Ian Vaughan

Senior Product Marketing Manager at Varnish Software

Driving Productivity and Efficiencies with Seamless Digital Delivery

Digital processes and data transfer are the backbone of day-to-day operations for enterprises everywhere. With digital...

All About On-premise Edge Caching

In the realm of content delivery, the need for speed and efficiency is undeniable. Users expect swift webpage loads,...

How the Edge Can Unlock Cost Savings

“From an infrastructure provisioning point of view, if you can deliver the same or better demand with less...

The Edge and Varnish: FAQ

In our recent webinar with STL, From CDN to Edge Content Delivery: Quantifying the Big Opportunity, we received a lot...

Speed Up Your Online Store: 6 Techniques For Efficient Caching

For e-commerce and online retail, revenue and web performance are inextricably linked. Delays, latency and downtime...