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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

How to use Varnish Controller with docker-compose

Have you been trying to figure out how you can easily use Varnish Controller with docker-compose? This article walks...

Varnish at the ‘Greening of Streaming’ launch at the UK Parliament

Earlier this month, Varnish Software was delighted to attend the Greening of Streaming launch at the UK parliament. The...

Get Ready Now to Deliver a Better Black Friday and Cyber Monday Experience

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are six months away. However distant this may seem, wheels across the entire e-commerce...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - ActiveDNS

This week's episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday is about ActiveDNS (vmod_activedns), a Varnish Enterprise VMOD that...

Explore the Newest Features in the latest Varnish Enterprise release

Hot on the heels of a major Varnish Controller release, a series of updates to Varnish Enterprise are now available!...