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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - UDO

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about UDO which is short for "Unified Director Object"....

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - varnishncsa

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about varnishncsa, a tool that you can use to produce web...

NAB thoughts: it isn't (just) the content you deliver, it's how you deliver it

Quality content drives valuable action. Whether that action is a download, install, view, subscription or purchase,...

New Version of Varnish Controller Available Now

The Varnish Controller is our administration solution for managing large Varnish Enterprise environments, offering...

Two-Minute Tech Tuesdays - Backend Health

In this week’s episode of Two-Minute Tech Tuesday, we'll talk about backend health. Specifically, backend logs, health...

Celebrating 10 Million Pulls on our Official Varnish Cache Docker Image

As the company behind the Varnish Cache open source project, we do our fair share of contributing to the open source...