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Varnish Software Blog

Insights, updates, stories and more from Varnish Software

Using Varnish for Streaming live and VoD media - FAQs

Our recent webinar on live and OTT/on-demand video streaming brought up some frequently asked questions about using...

New e-learning course: more advanced knowledge with Varnish Essentials

One of the greatest conveniences of the modern age is that we can do our shopping, our research, our communications,...

Authorization and authentication webinar: Ask Me Anything

In our work with customers and prospects, we’ve found that there are a lot of questions out there about authorization...

Comparing the performance of parallel and serial ESI

Parallel ESI is a performance-enhanced version of open source ESI. Parallel ESI issues all the ESI includes in...

Sizing a Varnish platform: Live streaming

There's a recurring discussion I get myself into, and it goes roughly like this: - I want to stream live video, what...

Flexibility in serving access-controlled content: La Nación case study

Media outlets the world over have found themselves grappling with changing technologies, revenue models and audience...