Follow The Rabbit

caching for web performance (2)

Delayed cache insert now available in Varnish Enterprise 6.0.7r3

Caching is good. What if, though, you could increase caching efficiency by letting some objects through the net, and...

Greener government: Discover hidden pro-eco IT techniques

In organizations all over the world, sustainability has become a watchword. This may be especially true in the public...

5 Varnish Dos: Do Do that Voodoo that You Do So Well

In a recent webinar, we shared some of the big dos and don’ts of Varnish use. After outlining the don’ts in an earlier...

How to reduce cache complexity with Varnish Enterprise

For many years, we’ve fielded questions about which is better, Varnish or NGINX? We’ve always affirmed that both are...

Back to basics: web caching for performance

Working as we do with web caching as our baseline, we take for granted that everyone knows and understands and takes...