Erika Wolfe

Erika Wolfe

Technical Writer at Varnish Software

Why you should upgrade video streaming infrastructure to 100Gbit

Right now you may invest millions in server hardware to get the capacity you need. The norm is 10Gb per server, and...

OTT services will drive consumer and advertising spend through 2022

A recent Strategy Analytics study, “TV’s Transformation: A Unified TV and Video Market Perspective”, predicts that...

Streaming video is the new normal

The entertainment - and particularly television - landscape was undoubtedly ripe for disruption before streaming video...

Streaming a multimedia feast: Scale up and deliver content seamlessly

The verdict is in: Americans are spending increasing amounts of time each day consuming different forms of media - a...

Balancing E-Commerce Personalization with Web Performance

We live in an era in which e-commerce and shopping online are integral to the “experience economy”. What this means is...

Staying vigilant about cybersecurity

A recent Security Affairs article posits: “There’s a prevailing mindset that suggests if organizations ban all the...